What’s Happening at PBC??
Needless to say, it has been a busy summer. Even though we suspended our morning services in the building we still do our services online like most churches.
You can find us on Facebook live as well as sermon audio.
We are still continuing our Sunday meal serving breakfast from 9:15am-10:15am.
We are averaging some 75+ meals each Sunday.
We still hand out groceries every other week averaging 65+ bags.
We still place a table outside of the church building and place the meals in
“To Go” boxes just like the restaurants use for taking home leftovers.
This eliminates our volunteers from being exposed to the virus. We are also, dropping of meals to shut in’s as well.
PBC ministry is alive and still about our Fathers business.
What’s Next??
We will finally be opening our doors for indoor service beginning
September 20th
Doors will open at 10:15 am and service will begin at 10:30 am and end
Around 11:50 am.
At this time there will be no childcare as it is a shortened service.
We will be changing from serving a morning breakfast to a Grab and Go lunch.
Same procedures will be in place as with the breakfast.
To minimize exposure, we will not be having sit down meals in the church.
We will also be adhering to the CDC guidelines such as constant disinfecting, hand sanitizers, social distancing, and masks.
Chairs will be spread out throughout the sanctuary.
Like most of you we are working with this new normal.
We covet your prayers as we move forward into the fall.
We are constantly asking the Lord for wisdom and direction as this is His church.
Please keep our pantry in your prayers as the food goes out as fast as it comes in.
Please keep our finances in your prayers as well!
Once again, Thank You all for what you do for us. You help make what we do possible!!
Pastor Jack